
Can Ken Livingstone make his tax affairs even worse? Yes he can

If you are going to publish your tax returns, it is a good idea not to leave out £41,800 of earnings.

But that’s what Ken Livingstone has done.

Or to put it another way, for every £1 that Ken Livingstone originally said he earned in 2008, he now says he earned £3.

And the explanation from his accountant who we were told had verified the previous figures? The answer from the Livingstone campaign on that one is slightly plaintive: the accountant wasn’t aware of the money. Doesn’t make the accountant’s verification of Ken Livingstone’s published figures sound that meaningful, does it?

11 responses to “Can Ken Livingstone make his tax affairs even worse? Yes he can”

  1. Fab expose – but can you clarify this sentence please Mark? "The accountant wasn’t aware of the money is the message from the Livingstone campaign."

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