
Clive Bull! Yes, Clive Bull! The Clive Bull! Clive! Bull!

Insomniac Londoners with long memories will remember Clive Bull’s amazingly complicated late-night quizzes on LBC. I’ve still got around the home a mug I won once, a gonk I won another occasion and (I think, unless it was urinated on by a former landlady’s cat) a signed photo of Clive Bull.

It was also his late-night phone-ins that used to be graced by the wonderfully weird calls from Sven in Swiss Cottage, seeking to escape the fish-obsessed phone-in shows of his home country, Norway. Sven was, in fact, Peter Cook.

So what fun to discover this evening that the guest host on LBC when I was doing the Friday news round-up hour was … Clive Bull.

A very youthful looking Clive Bull who, if appearances do not deceive, must have been about 3 1/2 years old when he was doing those quizzes. A 3 1/2 year old with a deep adult voice. Impressive child prodigy.

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