
Haringey Council: big bill run up due to errors in accounts

Labour-run Haringey Council has made a mess of getting its financial accounts together.

As the auditors themselves have pointed out:

Management identified a number of errors to the financial statements…

The Whole of Government Accounts pack was not submitted to the DCLG in line with the deadline of 31 July…

The Council provided working papers on the first day of the audit, however these were incomplete…

Some actions agreed by us with the Council after the 2010/11 accounts to improve the accounts process had not been implemented.

Errors, missed deadlines, failure to make promised improvements: all very Labour-run Haringey Council house style alas, including the twist in the tale – an extra bill run up by the auditors for having to sort out the problems at the last moment:

So at a time like this, you might think the Labour councillor responsible for finance might turn up to the council meeting looking at the issue and explain what was going on? Er, not quite:

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