Pink Dog

Photograph: weaponised self-referential semiotics

Is this a genuine sign? Or a fake photograph? Who knows? Who cares? Would you like any more questions?
Alex Marsh tweet with cycling sign

4 responses to “Photograph: weaponised self-referential semiotics”

  1. I’m guessing it’s a cyclist group making a point about cycle tracks being blocked. However, it could just be a real sign ahead of other signs warning of a hole in the road, a diversion sign or whatever. There is a third possibility – that it’s genuine and was originally placed off the cycle track, but has been moved there by a wit.

  2. Reminds me of the old cartoon showing a notice board on a stake in the middle of a piece of grass, reading: ‘It is forbidden to throw stones at this notice’.

  3. I’ve got a photo of sign saying “caution, protruding sign”. The sign is very battered. Don’t seem to be able to post the photo here. I wrote a poem about it, though…

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