
“Freedom, creativity and the internet” – Lib Dem conference passes motion

Voting at Lib Dem conference. Image courtesy of the Liberal Democrats.
After an excellent debate at Liberal Democrat federal party conference this morning, the motion on ‘Freedom, creativity and the internet’ was passed.

You can read the full text here, but the key points included:

Conference supports

a) the principle of net neutrality, through which all content, sites and platforms are treated equally by user access networks participating in the Internet

b) the rights of creators and performers to be rewarded for their work in a way that is fair, proportionate and appropriate to the medium

Conference therefore opposes excessive regulatory attempts to monitor, control and limit internet access or internet publication, whether at local, national, European or global level.

Conference calls on the Federal Policy Committee to commission a new policy working group to draw up a full policy paper on Information Technology and related aspects of intellectual property which should, in particular, consider:

1. Reform of copyright legislation to allow fair use and to release from copyright protection works which are no longer available legally or whose authors cannot be identified (orphan works).

2. The ‘common carrier’ concept, under which internet service providers would not be liable for material that they may carry unknowingly on their networks.

3. The creation of a level playing field between the traditional, copyright-based business model and alternative business models which may rely on personal copying and legal filesharing.

Alex recorded the debate which you can hear over at Liberal Democrat Voice (including my own speech, third person in).

3 responses to ““Freedom, creativity and the internet” – Lib Dem conference passes motion”

  1. http://craphound.com/BPDigitalEconomyBillweeklyminutes.pdf

    So what about the two amendments the noble lib dem lords have tabled for the 3rd reading tomorrow. They are again drafted by the BPI – see email.

    The lib dems have to make a stand tomorrow in the house of lords… otherwise they will rush the bill into second reading in the commons without debate, and then there is election and wash-up. There is no time for the bill to go into Committee in the commons, so how are MPs suppose to scrutinise the bill?

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