
United Airlines update: airline responds, Dave Carroll replies

Whilst the number of views for Dave Carroll’s protest song about United Airlines breaking his guitar continues to soar (up by around 700,000 in the last 24 hours), United Airlines has responded with a pun-tastic statement that the situation has “struck a chord” with them.

In return, Dave Carroll has recorded a response:

Apart from the good news that it looks like the second song is going to see the light of day too, it’s interesting to note that although Dave Carroll has a respectable number of followers on Twitter (over 1,000), the millions of views on his clips hasn’t translated into a similarly large number of Twitter followers.

People’s interest in him is, in this respect, not extending much beyond the clips. Whether it will extend to giving a boost to his band’s musical career remains to be seen.

Finally, this case is also a strong example of how an internet phenomenon can translate into traditional media interest, taking the story to a wider audience than even the large online figures.

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