
Will some BNP money shortly be heading the way of Lib Dems?

The appointment of Tess Culnane, an ex-National Front candidate, to work for the BNP GLA member Richard Barnbrook has been well covered elsewhere.

But one detail intrigues me. As I understand it, Tess Culnane’s job is one that comes with a salary. So does that mean she’ll now start paying off some of the tens of thousands of pounds she owes to Liberal Democrats?

The debt comes from her loss of a libel action taken against Lewisham Liberal Democrats Mark Morris (who now works at City Hall too) and Vijay Naidu. As a result of losing the case in 2006, she was due to pay large sums towards their legal costs but didn’t, pleading bankruptcy.

But with a job and a salary, it looks as if she now will have the money to pay up at least some of the costs the courts awarded.

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