Media & PR

No longer fashionable: beards in advertising

The marketing, advertising and digital professions are awash with people, newsletters, books and blogs that profess to tell you what are the coming things; what’s about to be in fashion and what future trends you must leap aboard.

But having had the trauma of getting the shirt question twice wrong (tucking in when hanging out was fashionable and then hanging out when tucking in was once again fashionable), I realise the big gap in the market. Forget the trend that’s about to hit; what we need to know is the trend that’s just become passée.

So, with apologies to my colleague Laurence Parkes, here is the first:

Beards in advertising agencies

Once near mandatory, as Laurence pointed out [in a blog post since removed], but now going out of fashion faster than you can say “Do you remember Victor Kiam’s adverts?”. You have been warned.

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