Pink Dog

Brilliant, even if you have no interest in American football

You pretty much need know nothing about American football to enjoy this.* Athletic. Brilliant. And legal. From Daren Bates of the St Louis Rams.

Daren Bates leapfrogs to block play in NFL game

* Here’s my one sliver of knowledge with which to distract people from my absence of knowledge: the practice of attaching suitcase handles to clothing of players had to be banned for safety reasons. This practice also helped give rise to the introduction of the forward pass.

Hat-tip: JM2845 on Reddit.

2 responses to “Brilliant, even if you have no interest in American football”

  1. Team sports allow a supporter the to admire, even passionately, the skill and coordination of “their” team while still respecting the rules of a governing body for the sport as well as the laws of the location of a match. Individuals who breach either of these restrictions are held accountable and face consequences within the agreed scope of the governance of the accepted institutions. It is entirely possible to be enthusiastically British within the EC. Why, then, did the establishment jump so rapidly from Brexit referendum to Article 50 when there are so many clear disadvantages to leaving the EC and so few to doing so apart from the same sort of feelings that motivate a team supporter. Who decided to take this unnecessary destructive path? It wasn’t Campbell or Cregg. Plutocrats, civil servants, Russians, SMERSH? Knowing who’s been calling the shots would simplify the strategy to stop them…if the coalition couldn’t stop them, perhaps the solution is not in Parliament at all.

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