
“We speak for bigots, says Ukip PR chief” – who also compares the NHS to Nazis

Can the Ukip news get any stranger?

I thought the Ukip MEP defecting to the Tories and being reported by his own party to the police at the same time would win the contest for at least today’s most bizarre Ukip story.
But that gets knocked into second place by:

Especially as the story goes on to report this quote too: “The biggest waste of money in the United Kingdom of course is the NHS … the Reichstag bunker of socialism is the National Health Service”.

Ironically enough when Ukip hired their (national) secretary, leaked minutes reported that the person was hired because:

We need to ensure all of the bad stuff is kept out of the public domain. As party secretary [he] would try to ensure that we keep a tight reign on things.

That went well then.

Oh and the person in question, Matthew Richardson, did this back in 2004:

A 23-year-old student with no knowledge of economics bluffed his way into a trip to China to teach a prestigious course on the subject at Beijing University.

Matthew Richardson, in his fourth year at Oxford University, only gave up after nine hours of lectures, when he ran out of material from pages ripped out of an A-level text book.

Hat-tip for the 2004 story: Chris Cook.

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