
Michael Gove frustrated: 8 policies the Lib Dems blocked and 3 Lib Dem policies he failed to stop

Lib Dems stopped Gove

8 things the Lib Dems stopped Gove doing

  1. Profit-making free schools
  2. Bringing back the old O-level and CSE divide
  3. Cutting new nursery buildings
  4. Rewriting history in the national curriculum
  5. Axing climate change from national curriculum
  6. Cutting the time childminders can give to each child
  7. Axing human rights from the national curriculum
  8. Politicising Ofsted

3 things the Lib Dems secured despite Gove

  1. A £2.5bn Pupil Premium
  2. Universal Free School Meals for infants
  3. Duty for schools to provide careers advice

UPDATE: For a longer list of Conservative policies which the Liberal Democrats blocked, see 20 extreme Tory policies the Lib Dems blocked.

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