
Unsung heroes of the election: Christina Blundell

The Blundells

Guildford candidate Kelly-Marie Blundell with her brother, James, and mother, Christina

Probably unknown to most Liberal Democrat activists, let alone members, Christina Blundell has though a surname that may ring a few bells as she is the mother of Guildford candidate, Kelly-Marie Blundell.

She’s also one of the unsung heroes of the election campaign, helping Kelly-Marie get through a fearsome pile of correspondence – typically 50 inquiries from voters each day and as many asĀ 300 on the busiest days.

Helping a candidate reply to all the messages they get from voters isn’t a glamorous role and it’s one most people don’t even notice, but it’s vital for keeping a candidate sane, for keeping voters informed and for winning votes along the way.

So thank you Christina, and all those like you around the country who are putting in such long hours, voluntarily.

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