
Hugh Grant backs Lib Dems with offer of dinner for a party supporter

Following the success of the Liberal Democrat fundraising drive where donors were entered in a prize draw to win dinner with John Cleese, now Hugh Grant has offered himself up too.

Hugh Grant says:

I am not a Lib Dem, a Tory a Labourite or anything in particular but I recognise political guts when I see it. And I know Nick Clegg was prepared to stand up to the Tories when they wanted to ignore or water down the Leveson Report. For that he gets a lot of abuse in the Tory press. But he was right to do it. And the manifesto is very clear, not only that Leveson should be delivered, but that it should be done while boosting investigative journalism with more protections.

So I am happy to help make this election a fairer fight.

I can bore to death any lucky winner of this draw on the detail of the Leveson Report and effect of section 40 of the Crime and Courts Act 2013. Or we can just talk about me and all my problems.

You can donate and enter the prize draw here [now closed].

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