
Liberal Party takes only mildest disciplinary action against Cornish branch for backing Ukip

Back in March the Liberal Party’s Cornwall branch decided to withdraw its three general election candidates and instead back Ukip, quoting policy similarities between the parties.

That act confirmed the views of many Liberal Democrats about just how wayward the continuing Liberal Party splinter from the days of merger has become, but also caused a fair amount of controversy amongst the Liberal Party’s small ranks. The Liberal Party’s nominating officer stepped in to stop the Cornish branch officially endorsing the Ukip candidates.

However, the Liberal Party’s National Executive Committee (NEC) has now taken only the mildest of mild disciplinary actions against the Cornish branch. As its meeting on 13 June it condemned the actions of the Cornish branch and decided to suspend it… until 14 July. 2015 that is.

Update: The Liberal Party has been in touch to say that in addition to this brief suspension of the branch, “The three people involved had their party voting rights taken away and given a final warning” – although this wasn’t mentioned in the statement issued.

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