
Hold your nose, it’s a piece of political direct mail

No, this isn’t a metaphorical warning, it’s a literal one. For as the New York Times reported:

There could be a surprise waiting in your mailbox this weekend, courtesy of Carl P. Paladino, a Republican candidate for governor. Not the front of the brochure, which states that “Something really stinks in Albany.” Nor the back, which features images of tarnished Democrats like Gov. David A. Paterson, former Gov. Eliot Spitzer and former State Comptroller Alan G. Hevesi.

But open it up, and you will be greeted by an unmistakable odor: rotting vegetables…

The new mailer states that “the stink of corruption in Albany is overpowering” and it provides a photo gallery of Democrats, most of whom have been mired in ethical or legal troubles.

Carl P. Paladino direct mail

You can read the full story here.

UPDATE: Carl P. Paladino went on to win the Republican primary but lose to Democrat Andrew Cuomo in the general election.

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