
Tim Farron sets five tests for backing military action in Syria

Syria map. CC0 Public Domain.

Liberal Democrat leader Tim Farron has set out five tests to decide whether or not the Liberal Democrats will back military action in Syria:

  1. Legality: “Military intervention must follow an international legal framework. We believe this has been provided by UN Resolution 2249 which urges members to take “all reasonable measures” to defeat ISIL.”
  2. Broad international coalition, including enhanced protection for civilians: “The UK Government should use all efforts to ensure that the Vienna talks succeed in bringing together the broadest possible support for action to end the war in Syria. In addition, we call on the Government to explicitly work towards ending the Syrian regime’s bombing of civilians with a no-bomb zone to maximise civilian protection and allow for an upscaling of humanitarian access.”
  3. Increased pressure on Gulf States, especially over funding of extremists: “The UK should lead a concerted international effort to put pressure on the Gulf States, specifically Saudi Arabia and the Emiratis, to stop the funding of jihadi groups within the region and worldwide and do much more to assist in the effort to defeat ISIL, establish peace in Syria and help with the refugee situation.”
  4. A plan for reconstruction: “The Government must be absolutely clear on what Syria and Iraq will look like post-ISIL, and what post-conflict strategy (including an exit strategy) they propose.”
  5. Tackle the domestic angle: “the fight against ISIL is not just in the Middle East: it is within Europe and it is here in the UK. We call on the Government to immediately publish its 2014 investigation into the Muslim Brotherhood and also call on them to conduct an investigation into foreign funding and support of extremist and terrorist groups in the UK. We call on the Government to step up its acceptance of Syrian refugees, and opt in to Save the Children’s proposal to rehome 3000 unaccompanied refugee children from with Europe.”

Tim Farron likely to back military action

Speaking of the five tests, Tim Farron said,

The Liberal Democrats know that to defeat an enemy like ISIL the use of military force is necessary. We will consider supporting extending airstrikes against ISIL in Syria provided the Government’s plans meet the five points I am setting out today.

The five tests are good ones. They are also, with possibly the exception of parts of the last one, tests which are very likely to be passed. So the implication is that Tim Farron is very likely to end up backing military intervention in Syria.

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