
Building a social media presence from scratch

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Handy advice from Campaigns & Elections about what to do if you’re starting from scratch (or nearly from scratch) at building up your social media use for political ends:

Now, I’m only covering Facebook and Twitter. There’s a plethora of social media tools out there. But if your campaign is just launching, focus on where the largest audiences are and do them well. Be careful not to overextend your campaign resources…

Send an email to your list and ask people to follow you on social media. Note that a large chunk of your list won’t be social media users, so if you have the ability to filter those out … you should do so…

Once you’ve maximized the free followers, you may want to do some cheap geo-targeted Facebook ads to boost your supporter base in your district.

You can read the advice in full here and don’t forget also to use social media to build your email list.

For specifically pro-European campaigning, the #FPBE movement is useful too.

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