Pink Dog

The Teckman Mystery

The Teckman Mystery DVD coverCo-written by the highly inventive and successful creator of Paul Temple, Francis Durbridge, The Teckman Mystery is a 1950s Cold War noir thriller set in London. It has a promising plot about the mysterious misfortunes which befall everyone investigating the life of a test pilot who disappeared.

Yet despite Durbridge’s talents the plot has rather dated in that pretty much every plot twist is what is now a standard cliche. That is not to say the film is without entertainment, because however straight forward the fare now looks, it is done with vigour, humour and the fun of seeing well known parts of London as they used to look.

Acting and filming are both done to high standards, as is the transfer to DVD. Slightly disappointing is the lack of any subtitles or other significant content on the DVD and, if you can, avoid taking too much of a look at the DVD box cover before watching the film for fear of spoilers.

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