
Lib Dem tip #15: On Liberty

Welcome to the latest in my series of tips and advice for Liberal Democrat members, which appear first in the email bulletin run by London Region for party members.

On Liberty by John Stuart Mill - book coverBooks of political philosophy can be rather off-putting, having a reputation for often being long, abstract and hard for a novice to understand.

But the classic statement of liberalism, John Stuart Mill’s On Liberty is short, very readable and still, a century and a half after publication, a relevant and clear guide to what liberalism is all about. It is a pleasure rather than a struggle to read.

An excellent book for understanding more about the party’s philosophy – and for a last minute Christmas present for any political friends!

For more on what Liberal Democrats believe, see the one sentence, one poster and one chapter collection or sign-up to my Lib Dem philosophy email course.

You can buy On Liberty from Bookshop or Amazon,* or the text is available electronically for free here


*Affiliate links which generate a commission for each sale made.

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