
Lib Dems and Greens make electoral pact in Broxtowe

The Green Party’s Kat Boettge has publicly posted this (confirmed by Liberal Democrats):

I am delighted to announce that in Broxtowe we, the Green Party having an electoral alliance with the Libdems for the upcoming county elections.

We are not opposing and endorsing Steve Carr in Bramcote and Beeston North, Tim and Jacky in Stapleford and Broxtowe Central. Whilst they endorse me for Kimberley and Nuthall, and Beth Hewitts in Greasley and Brinsley.

It’s time for different politics, of cooperation and opposing the two party system.

The Labour Party has failed to fight in important local campaigns against Oxylane (fortunately which was scrapped anyway), saving the Chapel on the Hill (although my efforts were successful!), building on the green belt (as the vice chair on the neighbourhood planning committee we have also been avoiding) and to save the trees in Kimberley.

I am looking forward to working with the Libdems on our joined aims against fracking, protecting the environment and public services, and affordable/ accessible public transport.

Both Tom Brake and Brian Paddick will be part of the official launch of the pact today, so it is one that comes with senior Liberal Democrat support. It also comes with the agreement of local members via a special meeting of the local party. (I believe the Greens also did the same.)

There are many lessons from the past about when such cross-party cooperation does and does not work, so now is a good time for a reminder of my 6 ways to make cross-party political deals work and the excellent chapter by Duncan Brack on lessons from the Ashdown-Blair years although both are more focused on national politics rather than local government.

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