
Lib Dem tip #32: the Lib Dem General Election Agents Manual

Welcome to the latest in my series of tips and advice for Liberal Democrat members, which appear first in the email bulletin run by London Region for party members.

Released last week, the 2017 Agents Manual is an essential guide for anyone who will be a Liberal Democrat agent at the general election. It is written by Candy Piercy and myself, covering everything from how to plan the campaign and making sure a candidate is safely nominated, through to winning votes, what happens at the count and safely completing the regulatory paperwork afterwards.

Copies have been emailed out by party HQ and are in the Campaigners and ALDC groups on Facebook. If you would find a copy useful but haven’t yet got hold of one through any of those routes, just drop an email to mark.pack@gmail.com with a photo of yourself holding your membership card. You’ll get a copy of both the Agents Manual and the Compliance Guide from Lib Dem HQ emailed back to you.

You can read the full set of tips for Lib Dem party members here.

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