
Former Labour council leader leaves party after 44 years over Brexit

The Hull Daily Mail reports:

Former city council leader Colin Inglis is quitting Labour after nearly 44 years in protest over the party’s stance on Brexit.

In a letter to Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn, he says he has cancelled his membership of the party he joined as a 17-year-old…

In the letter, he said: “… The fantasy of building socialism in one country is absolutely not worth abandoning our commitment to the most socially progressive social, economic and political experiment humankind has ever engaged in. I am not the sort of member you should be losing but you’re about to lose me.”

Following a rather lively political career, Colin Inglis stood down from the council in this May’s local elections, in which the Liberal Democrats made big gains in Hull.

2 responses to “Former Labour council leader leaves party after 44 years over Brexit”

  1. Well done Colin Inglis. Someone has to tell Corbyn what needs to be said and to be prepared to back it up.
    The anti EU people on the left have been duped to ride the coat tails of right wing populism, nationalism and extreme versions of laissez faire and it would not have remotely got over the line without them.
    One of the points sold about Corbyn was that he never changes his mind, despite decades of changes in the world. I hope it makes a difference, but I fear it would take hundreds of thousands of such decisions to start to get through to the dinosaur.

  2. I know someone who after 47 years has left the Labour Party, he does not think that it’s relevant . My suspicion is that it’s not him who has changed but the party. He has certainly been alienated by Corbyn’s stance over the EU.

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