
“Brexit, whether it’s a bad deal or no deal, is a big deal … but it’s not a done deal” – Layla Moran

The (now digital-only) newspaper, The Independent, has come out in favour of a referendum on the Brexit deal.

As its editorial says:

Sovereignty rests with the people – the people should have the opportunity to finish what they began, to pause and consider whether they still want to go ahead with the Brexit course we’re on, just as they would any other major decision in their lives…

Like changing a baby, the process of a final deal referendum will be messy, but necessary. And much, much better than the alternative.

Our politicians have hardly covered themselves in glory since the 2016 referendum. It’s time to let the people take back control.

Writing for The Independent, Lib Dem MP Layla Moran says,

Whether you voted Leave or Remain two years ago, no one voted for the broken promises, spiralling divorce bills and political chaos that this botched Brexit has become.

I believe that Brexit, whether it’s a bad deal or no deal, is a big deal – too big for anyone to ignore – but it’s NOT a done deal. The only way to sort this mess out is to let the public take back control of Brexit with a referendum on the final deal.

As she points out:

What was dismissed as “project fear” has now become project near: we stare down the barrel of a new Brexit deal that threatens to grind our country to a juddering halt as we run out of medicine, petrol and food.

You can sign up to back the Liberal Democrat campaign for a referendum on the deal here.

One response to ““Brexit, whether it’s a bad deal or no deal, is a big deal … but it’s not a done deal” – Layla Moran”

  1. I want the country to remain as a full member of the EU.
    In the last 70 we have had no world wars but do have the EU.
    In the previous 70 year we had 2 world wars.
    This ignores us messing up India and Pakistan, the Middle East and Palestine
    also the wars prior to WW1.

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