
Conservative councillor quits party, citing Brexit as “a symptom”

Portsmouth Council has quite the tradition of councillors quitting their party or changing party. The latest is Conservative councillor and former Cabinet member Jim Fleming who has left the party to sit as an independent:

In a series of messages with The News, Cllr Fleming said: ‘I have also resigned my party membership. ‘The issue is not centred around Brexit, but it’s certainly a symptom.’ The former Portsmouth North Conservative Association chairman added: ‘My general view on the subject is that my views and values remained the same, while those of others within the Conservative Party have either diverged from those or perhaps weren’t even there in the first place.’ [Portsmouth News]

The council is currently has a minority Liberal Democrat administration, led by Gerald Vernon-Jackson.

2 responses to “Conservative councillor quits party, citing Brexit as “a symptom””

  1. The Conservative Party has become a plutocracy underpinned by a very nasty racism. In some ways , what is happening to the Conservative Party and the rise of it’s hard right is an even bigger story than BREXIT

  2. Yes you can see that happening almost in everything they do/ say now – traditional Tories should now be very alarmed as a Right wing coup has taken place. There is no longer room for debate not only in Parliament but also within the Party itself . They can no longer talk so they have to walk. So pleased to be a Liberal in a decent Party with the future of our young and therefore our nation as our focus. God help us all !

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