
Beki Sellick selected by Lib Dems in Peterborough

Peterborough, home to a growing Liberal Democrat council group and a possible Parliamentary by-election, has just got a Lib Dem Prospective Parliamentary candidate too.

The local paper reports:

The Liberal Democrats have selected Beki Sellick as their Prospective Parliamentary Candidate for Peterborough. The engineer fought the seat in the 2017 election, finishing third with 1,597 votes.

She said: “I’m an ordinary person who’s had a variety of jobs – nationalised and privatised, shop floor and management, full-time and part-time, redundant. And then I started my own business in Peterborough two years ago.

“I chair our residents association where we run a monthly community café.”

Do go and help her campaign if you can. Parliamentary by-elections are a vital source of national exposure and political momentum for the Liberal Democrats.

UPDATE: She is now the Liberal Democrat Parliamentary by-election candidate.

There’s a full list of Liberal Democrat Parliamentary candidate selections so far here.

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