
A warm welcome to the Christmas burst of new Liberal Democrat members

There has been a noticeable burst of people joining the Liberal Democrats over Christmas, especially former Labour supporters for whom Jeremy Corbyn’s recent interview about proceeding with Brexit was the last straw.

Here are a few of them (with links through to make it easy to post a welcome message yourself if you wish):
Hannah Bentley tweet about joining the Lib Dems
Jinbin Shuai tweet about joining the Lib Dems
Dr Val tweet about joining the Lib Dems
Jeff Slade tweet about joining the Lib DemsTweet from Paul in Maidenhead about joining the Lib Dems
Brian Thalken tweet about joining the Lib Dems

On the Membership Richter Scale (blip, spike, bump, mini-surge, surge, OMG we’re going to run out of membership cards!) this rates about a bump, so far.

You can help make it hit mini-surge or more by sharing with others:

Or, if you are a member and looking for more ways to get involved with the party, here are five tips that should help.

4 responses to “A warm welcome to the Christmas burst of new Liberal Democrat members”

  1. Locally we seem to get non renewals as well as joiners.

    What is the net national position on membership?

    Has it dropped below 100,000?

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