
Paddy Ashdown: The global power shift (TEDx Brussels)

The late Paddy Ashdown had a regular theme on the shifting ground of international relations. Here is he at his thoughtful and fluent best, speaking in Brussels in late 2011:

How much we will miss his wisdom over the next few years.

3 responses to “Paddy Ashdown: The global power shift (TEDx Brussels)”

  1. Yes, we all need to ensure that this work continues, and at an even faster pace. Though I’m not sure about the treaty based approach. Democratic institutions may prove stronger and shadow global structures are already taking shape.

    He was certainly right that ensuring ethics is institutionalised and embedded within the network will make or break us all.

    Can’t help thinking that Estonia have gained a head start on this.

    So sorry he has passed.

  2. I really hate TED stuff. That is my polite way of discussing TED 😉

    Paddy was a liberal and he served in the armed forces where liberalism wasn’t fashionable. Paddy wasn’t a technocrat.

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