
Liberal politics can thrive in an age of identity – Vince Cable

Writing in the foreword to his new pamphlet, published today as mentioned in his conference speech, Lib Dem leader Vince Cable writes:

2019 was billed as the year of Brexit.

Yet even if the Government succeeds in any version of its plan there will be years more of negotiation and debate in prospect during a transition, before settled new trading arrangements could be agreed.

I am one of those people who believes Brexit would be so damaging that it should be stopped, and the focus of Liberal Democrat political eforts has therefore been fghting for a People’s Vote including the option to stop Brexit.

One of the most damaging consequences of the national absorption with Brexit is that almost every other issue of importance is being relegated to the sidelines. Important though it is, Brexit cannot be the end of debate on the future of our country. On the contrary, Brexit is a symptom of a deeper political shift involving the ‘politics of identity’ and the emergence of new alignments that do not ft comfortably into the ‘left – right’ narrative. Te old political parties have failed to understand these shifts and to fnd an authentically liberal response.

I have written this collection of essays to suggest where liberals and social democrats – and the wider movement in the country looking for a progressive alternative – should be directing our collective energies in future, whether or not Brexit happens or whatever form it takes.

Beyond Brexit: Liberal politics for the age of identity by Vince Cable

Here is Vince Cable’s pamphlet in full.

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