
A change of tone from Brexiters

Following the vote in the House of Commons to, gasp, allow MPs rather than ministers, determine how some of the time in the chamber is going to be spent, it’s been striking how many Brexiters don’t really like MPs have power.

Or rather:

Meanwhile, public opinion continues to shift, which is great news for us pro-Europeans:

As John Curtice writes:

The longer the Brexit process has gone on, the more critical and pessimistic voters have become. This trend is in evidence, above all, among those who voted in June 2016 to Leave the EU. Indeed, Leave voters have emerged from the process almost as critical of its handling and of the outcome as those who voted to Remain.

2 responses to “A change of tone from Brexiters”

  1. It is not surprising that more people haven’t signed the petition, with the BBC still toeing the Party line and promoting the ‘we are going to leave’ agenda… and the queue of Brexiters being put in front of the cameras have nothing new to say. ‘MPs voted to respect the result’ and ‘MPs stood on a manifesto’.. it seems they have dropped the ‘affront to democracy’ line as that wasn’t gaining traction any more.
    But the elephant in the room is that they are still pursuing a ‘get it over the line’ strategy and employing more snake oil to get it there despite the fact that any change to our constitution should require a super-majority of any vote. They don’t have anything like that so there is no appetite for change..ie: we should cancel Article 50… no ifs or buts..

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