
Former Labour and Conservative MPs set to vote Liberal Democrat in the European elections

Following the news about Michael Heseltine comes this from the other side of the political spectrum: former Labour MP Andrew Mackinlay is voting Liberal Democrat.

The only major party representing my beliefs in the European Union is the Liberal Democrats - Andrew Mackinlay

And there’s more: with former Conservative MP Matthew Parris also switching over to the Lib Dems:

Matthew Parris tells Newstalk FM that he is voting Lib Dem

3 responses to “Former Labour and Conservative MPs set to vote Liberal Democrat in the European elections”

  1. Andrew Mackinlay was an excellent constituency MP for Thurrock and a great supporter of the A Level Government and Politics classes I taught at the local sixth form college. More recently I have met up with him at LibDem conferences where he has been an effective advocate for Gibraltar. He is honest and decent and I know he has wrestled for some time with this question of whether he can still support Labour but after 52 years this will still have been a difficult decision for him. All respect to him.

  2. and some time ago I heard Matthew Parris in discussion on TV and thought then ‘you should be a Liberal Democrat if you think that’

  3. Andrew Mackinlay’s family home is in Kingston, and he has Lib Dem stakeboard outside his house. I have had many conversations with him, and agree with John Death – he is a decent man, and it is not easy for him to vote against his deeply embedded loyalties.

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