
Petition against proroguing Parliament tops 1 million

As the fast-growing petition against proroguing Parliament says:

Parliament must not be prorogued or dissolved unless and until the Article 50 period has been sufficiently extended or the UK’s intention to withdraw from the EU has been cancelled.

You can sign the petition against proroguing Parliament here. It is (ironically enough) over on the official Parliament website.

When you sign the petition against proroguing Parliament, you will be sent a confirmation email. You must respond to that email for your signature to count. (If you don’t appear to have received the email, it is worth checking in your spam/junk folder. Look out for an email from no-reply@petition.parliament.uk.)

These official Parliamentary petitions are open to British citizens and UK residents (only) – and you can only sign a petition once.

And when you’ve signed it, there’s more you can do:

2 responses to “Petition against proroguing Parliament tops 1 million”

  1. Mark, What else do think that we can usefully do? Which of the Pro-Europe campaigns do think has the best chance of making a real difference? I will be sending a donation to the People’s Vote campaign today. This is surely one matter where all who are concerned about our democracy should shout with one loud voice.

    If Johnson really believes his plan to leave the EU is good for everyone, he should make the case with some sort of democratic process. I trust that all Lib Dem MPs will join with MPs of all parties to condemn this move in the strongest possible terms.

    If there is to be a publicly funded High Court action against it we will contribute.

  2. England should be part of Europe and never leave. I lived in England for many years and now live in France. I travel to England now a few times a year to see my daughter and friends. I fear that my freedom to do so will change in the future…

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