
Highlights from Monday at Liberal Democrat conference in Bournemouth

After the big focus on Europe yesterday, I spent much of today helping train and brief excellent Prospective Parliamentary Candidates on what they need to do to win. One, in particular, I really hope will be an MP by Christmas (and still able to have a burgundy passport):

At lunchtime I joined a Demos panel on localism, emphasising that to be successful localism has to be about inspiring more community activists and not simply about changing the rules. We need more Dorothy Thornhills and not just more Localism Acts:

Many of the party’s recent new members, some high profile and some not, have been in Bournemouth:

The environment featured heavily today:

Also featuring heavily was the possibility of the first-ever Liberal Democrat Mayor of London in the form of Siobhan Benita:

As is traditional at a Liberal Democrat event, I did a digital training session:

… and I bought raffle tickets:

Tomorrow will bring Jo Swinson’s first conference speech as leader:

And finally, a reminder of how different Jo Swinson is from Boris Johnson:

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One response to “Highlights from Monday at Liberal Democrat conference in Bournemouth”

  1. the interview with Piers Morgan was difficult to watch… he’s a nasty piece of work, and her positive attitude and smile was clearly becoming more difficult to maintain the longer it went on.
    I think Jo needs more help with messaging and arguments in such a challenging situation, He was trying everything to make her snap, but all credit to her, she didn’t.

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