
Nicola Horlick to stand for the Liberal Democrats in Chelsea and Fulham

Another eye-catching selection for the Liberal Democrats ahead of the next general election with Nicola Horlick in Chelsea and Fulham:

Nicola Horlick, nicknamed “superwoman” for both her skills in finance and her ability to manage family life, has long been connected to the Liberal Democrats and to Chelsea & Fulham. Living in the area, working in Hammersmith, Nicola is ready to turn what was once a safe Tory seat into a win for the Liberal Democrats and Remain…

Nicola has supported the Liberal Democrats all her life and, like her sense of social justice, it’s in her blood. Her father was Michael Gayford, our candidate in the 1970s for the Wirral constituency, and Nicola grew up in a family steeped in political debate.

Now she feels it’s her time to step forward.

It’s striking how many people relatively new to electoral politics but with a very impressive set of professional achievements are being attracted to stand as Liberal Democrats for the next election.


There’s a full list of Liberal Democrat Parliamentary candidate selections so far here, and some starter advice for the newly selected here.

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