
How political leaflets used to look: Should you be a nosey neighbour?

Following up the 1970s Kendall leaflet, Chesterfield’s Paul Holmes has kindly shared this from his town in 1973. It was the first Liberal Party leaflet in Chesterfield since the Second World War.

Chesterfield 1973 Focus leaflet

I couldn’t resist taking a look at Google Street View, and there is now a road crossing in the area, though a bit further down the road from the location they were campaigning for in the early 1970s.

For more gems from past election leaflets, see my collection How leaflets used to look.

One response to “How political leaflets used to look: Should you be a nosey neighbour?”

  1. OMG! You’ve revived grim memories of Gestetner and Roneo duplicators. I recall in North Paddington one of our members wanted to donate a Gestetner to us; it turned out to be a model so old it looked like a laundry mangle and dated from 1905! We followed that up with an Adana letterpress printer. Lots of fun and we made money printing business cards, leaflets etc to all and sundry.

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