
Lib Dems call for Parliament to be recalled over Afghanistan

The Liberal Democrat have backed calls for Parliament to be recalled over the worrying crisis in Afghanistan following the winding up of US military intervention there:

UPDATE: Lib Dems call for safe corridor to offer a new escape route.

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One response to “Lib Dems call for Parliament to be recalled over Afghanistan”

  1. What are we trying to achieve by re-calling Parliament? We must accept that the American, UK and NATO attempt at nation building has been a failure in Afghanistan, as it was in Iraq and Libya, and that we now have absolutely no influence over the events that are taking place. The Afghan’s seem to be more realistic about their situation than we in the West and are simply surrendering to the Taliban to avoid having their homes destroyed and families killed. If by re-calling Parliament we could make any difference to the situation in Afghanistan then by all means recall Parliament, however, the news today, Sunday, indicates that Kabul will fall well before any re-call. It may sound cynical but let us concentrate our energy and resources on solving the real problems that exist today in the UK and not on a futile attempt to do something about a situation over which we have no influence or control.

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