
VIDEO: “Lib Dems can be the main challengers in Tiverton and Honiton by-election” – Ed Davey

More on the tractor porn by-election from Lib Dem leader Ed Davey:

It’s not only Liberal Democrats saying we’re the most plausible challengers to the Conservatives in Tiverton and Honiton.

So too is Claire Wright, who stood in the neighbouring constituency in 2019 as an independent, scoring a remarkable 40%:

Claire Wright backs Lib Dems in Tiverton and Honiton by-election

Meanwhile, Daisy Cooper has also been in the media talking about the circumstances that led to the by-election:

Chances are, sewage will come up as an issue in the by-election, an issue Wera Hobhouse raised this week in Parliament:

UPDATE: And here’s what swing voters in the constituency are saying.

One response to “VIDEO: “Lib Dems can be the main challengers in Tiverton and Honiton by-election” – Ed Davey”

  1. Good speech by Ed Davey making it clear that Boris Johnson must go. Daisy Cooper is an impressive and confident speaker for the Lib Dems. I like her forthright style. I think it would be good to have more able and confident women MP’s in parliament. We are fed up with male MP’s arrogance and abuse of power and inability to confront the real issues in our society.

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