
Ed Davey calls for “real electoral reform”

Responding to the news of the secret plan to pack the House of Lords with Conservative peers before he departs, Ed Davey said:

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2 responses to “Ed Davey calls for “real electoral reform””

  1. and can someone PLEASE explain to Keir Starmer..! In interview this week he said electoral reform was not a priority. Blair agreed with Ashdown that reform was needed, then getting a clear majority didn’t follow through.. shortsighted ,, the Tories and their media friends ensured that the Tories got back in and we have to endure ever more destruction and undoing of good things that Labour(and LibDems in coalition) achieved. We are destined to continue with periods of Tory power and destruction until we have reform. Reform will lead to the dismantling of the broad-church Tories

  2. I too want and end to FPTP and a more democratic way to send people to the House of Lords. However this must be a strategic aim for the Lib Dems and will only be achieved when we have significant political power in Government. We must also convince the Labour Party that PR is in their interest. Sadly, we see Kier Starmer talking about a labour majority at the next election. If this happens PR is probably 15 to 20 years away.

    If we are to get to a position of power where we have a real influence on political events then we must fight a tactical battle to get people to vote for us in large numbers. We face a number of threats and opportunities as we come to the next general election.


    The next Prime Minister may be competent and find ways of mitigating the current cost of living crisis in the short term. This could bring back into the Conservative fold those voters who are wavering due to their disgust with Boris.

    The Conservative party and its MP’s could become serious about climate change and develop real policies to ensure the climate targets agreed at COP26 are implemented.

    The problem that a lot of our potential voters still say “We don’t know what you Lib Dems stand for”. (This is also being said of the labour party.)

    The Conservative press demonising us in the run up to the next election.

    The event that the new Conservative Government will begin to make a success of Brexit. (unlikely, but a possibility)

    Lack of exposure in the Media


    We have gained a lot of momentum over the past 3 years with our Parliamentary and Council by-election wins. We need to ensure that we build on this to gain seats at the general election.

    The very effective canvassing and information systems we have developed which have enabled us to win those key by-elections. We need to expand these systems to all the key seats we are contesting.


    People are hurting, the cost of living crisis, the near collapse of the NHS and social services and global warming are having a direct effect on their wellbeing. At the same time the Conservative Government seems to have little idea as to how to solve these problems. It is therefore imperative that when we are asking people for their votes that we show that providing practical solutions to these problems is our main priority. To achieve this we must make our priorities:-

    The cost of living crisis.
    The environment.
    The NHS and Social Care
    Reform of education to make it fit for the 21st Century.
    Giving people secure affordable homes, both owned and rented.
    Giving people good, well paid, secure jobs. (get rid of the Gig economy.)

    That’s it. Everything else can wait until we are in power.

    We must also make better use of the Internet and social media to get our message across. The key group of potential voters we need now get most of their news from social media and not newspapers, radio or television.

    We must concentrate our resources on a key set of policies that are consistent and show the electors that we are serious and that a vote for the Lib Dem on the ballot paper is not a wasted vote. We must also remember to look at the election from the voters point of view. The voter, in the quiet of the ballot box, is asking the question “which of these candidates will do the best for ME”? we must ensure that the answer is, the Lib Dem.

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