
Porter Square: tackling a local litter blackspot

As you can see from this photo of the corner of Porter Square and Hornsey Road, there’s a rough patch of land left over from when the wall was rebuilt along a slightly different alignment:

Porter Square / Hornsey Road junction

This rough patch regularly acts as a litter trap, and being off the pavement itself it also is often missed out by the street sweepers. There is a simple solution – smooth over the patch so that it doesn’t trap litter and is quicker and easier for the street sweepers to clear.

The good news it that having raised this issue with Islington Council, the local team tells me it is now trying to hunt down who is the legally responsible landowner as a precursor to getting the problem fixed.

Fingers crossed! (Though let’s hope it gets fixer quicker than the legendary potholes or the mega pothole, which is still there.)

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