
Unhappy Parliamentarians in the 17th and 21st centuries: posts of the week

1688 - The First Modern Revolutoin by Steve Pincus - book coverWelcome to my weekly round-up of two blogging highlights from the past week: the post that I found most interesting or enjoyable to write and the post from someone else that I found most interesting or entertaining.

A post from me…

1688 – The First Modern Revolution by Steve Pincus

The traditional picture of 1688 is of a rather English revolution – one much politer, less violent, more limited and rather more sensible and rational than the bloody versions of revolution seen in other countries. In this work Steve Pincus sets out to challenge that view.

In his view the Glorious Revolution was not simply a quick and painless transfer of power at the top of the state but a wide reaching and fundamental alteration to the state, politics, society and culture – all deliberately planned by opponents of James II.

Read the full post about Steve Pincus’s argument here.

… and a post from someone else

The Prime Minister and his band of unhappy Tories

ConHome’s Tim Montgomerie paints a picture of Conservative MPs unhappy with the number of concessions David Cameron is making to the Liberal Democrats:

The Conservative Parliamentary Party understands the compromises of coalition government but it worries that Cameron doesn’t seem to share its frustration at them. He seems almost too content in the company of Liberal Democrats. Is the amity tactical or a testament to something deeper?

Read the full post from Tim Montgomerie here.

Spotted any other great posts this week that I may have missed? Let me know in the comments.

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