
Political websites: what do people actually want?

Having warned about some of the common mistakes made when reviewing political websites, what does the evidence show that the public actually wants from such sites?

British internet users are far more interested in information about local services than they are in information about politicians. That’s the finding of the 2009 Oxford Internet Survey.

Of current internet users, 35% have used it to get information about online services whilst only 13% have used the internet to look for information about an MP, local councillor or other politician. Information about central government services was looked for by 33% and information about government policy by 19%.

Providing information about who you are and how to contact you is certainly important for politicians with websites. Indeed, the contact details page is frequently the most popular on such sites. But to really interest your audience in yourself and your work you need to meet the public half-way.

Talking about services, particularly local ones, what’s happening with them, what might happen to them and what you’re doing about them is the way to get their attention and then interest.

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