
Making the most of London Mayor hustings: a factsheet for LibDems

How can a Liberal Democrat local party in London organise a successful hustings meeting during our Mayor contest? I’ve written a short factsheet for London Lib Dems with ten top tips which you can get here.

During my time as the party’s Head of Innovations I produced a series of similar factsheets (with the help of some excellent assistance from others, such as Pete Dollimore, Martin Tod and Will Howells), mostly on internet matters.

It’s a format I’ve always liked and I’ve not seen anyone else produce a similar series since, whether on internet or other matters. So I thought it worth giving a go again.

Do let me know what you think of this one and also of the idea of producing more in future. Several of my previous blog posts, for example, could make for other factsheets, such as how to make the best of a raffle or how to make AGMs better. Would that be useful?

4 responses to “Making the most of London Mayor hustings: a factsheet for LibDems”

  1. Do you have a link to your own (or the party's) factsheets on online campaigning? There used to be plenty on the old extranet, but the training materials that were on there don't seem to be on Huddle…

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