Pink Dog

Pizza Express: Heath Street, Hampstead, London

Pizza Express, Heath Street, Hampstead, LondonOne of the charms of the Pizza Express chain is the distinctive character of each outlet. But it is rather unexpected even by Pizza Express standards for this one to have a large area that looks and feels like a slightly cramped loft conversion.

My seat gave me a perfect view of the fire exit door, which rather worryingly looked rather battered from regular use even though all it led out to was a fire escape down the building. I’m sure there are many reasons people have had for going through the door rather than this being arson central for Pizza Express. At least that’s what I told myself whilst eating the food at no faster rate than usual, honest…

Also visible through the fire exit door are the satellite TV dishes of several local properties, one of which is pointing in a complete different direction from the others. I suspect a liberal in the neighbourhood.

So that is 25 down, 113 (or thereabouts) to go.

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