
Newsnight website: a linguistically curious set of comments

The basic Conservative defence in the latest donations saga is, ‘hey David Cameron’s mistake over flights isn’t anything like as serious as Peter Hain’s problems‘. In itself, this point has some merit (though it does rather gloss over the fact that Cameron’s now run into problems three times now; not a good track-record to have).

It’s a little curious though that a burst of pro-Cameron comments on the Newsnight blog all use the same phraseology: “Not even in the same league as Hain” “Hain’s situation is in another league” and “Not in the same league”, all posted under different names.

So, what’s going on here then? One person astroturfing? An organised though not very bright piece of organised commenting with everyone taking the same instructions from someone in the Tory party? Or just ‘league’ has become the in-word of the week that everyone is using?

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