
Well done Tim Farron and team

As if by magic… having highlighted some weaknesses in the recent Simon Hughes email and today’s Nick Clegg film, the latest Tim Farron email in my inbox was great to read as its wording and design tackles the sorts of issues I raised.

It is short, clear and designed around getting people to take simple, quick but effective actions. It even adds a little bit of glitter but promising a “sneak preview”.

Good work Tim and co.

Here’s the email:

Subject: Sneak Peak

Dear Mark,

The Liberal Democrats want to give tax cuts to millions not millionaires – to put more money back in your pockets and take the poorest workers out of tax completely.

Tomorrow night you’ll have the chance to see a party political broadcast about our plans to do this.

In the meantime you can do two things.

Watch an exclusive preview of the broadcast:

Sign the petition:

The harder we campaign and the more signatures we get, the louder our voice becomes. Help us cut taxes for working people.


Tim Farron MP
President of the Liberal Democrats.

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