
Homophobia amongst North Norfolk’s Tories?

It looks as if during the selection of the Conservative prospective Parliamentary candidate for North Norfolk, one of their members got up and asked this question:

Could we be assured that neither of the candidates is a homosexual?

I have no idea which of the candidates this question was aimed at or whether it is true (and couldn’t care less – whether a candidate has matching socks probably tells you more about their suitability to be an MP that whether or not they are gay).

If it’s true (and the source for this is a series of comments on Iain Dale’s blog) it’s a disgraceful display of bigotry.

It will be interesting to see how seriously this gets taken by the Conservative Party officially. I’m sure there are many individual members horrified by the question, but will there be any investigation or action? (And yes, my views would be the same if it was someone in my own party that had said this).

UPDATE: As someone pointed out in the comments on Lib Dem Voice, one of the posters on Iain Dale’s blog has claimed that the person wasn’t a Tory member. Presumably though their electricity failed at that point and so they weren’t able to read further down in the comments where it was confirmed that this person was indeed a Conservative Party member (and Liberal Democrat Voice‘s other sources confirm this).

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