
Are Tory bloggers less trustworthy than Labour or Lib Dem ones?

Rather bizarrely, that looks to be the view of the Conservative Party’s Press Office. At the tail end of July, their attitude towards bloggers caught some attention following the refusal of a Conservative press officer to even email an already published letter to a Conservative blogger.

PR Week this week reports that the Conservatives have now changed tack somewhat:

The party has adapted its blogger relations policy after a staffer caused a storm in the Tory blogosphere by admitting the party’s press office does not consider blogs ‘important’…

However, the move stops short of a full overhaul of policy, because bloggers will still not be able to receive embargoed information.

However, both the Liberal Democrat and Labour head offices have provided groups of bloggers from their respective parties with embargoed information. So if it’s good enough for them, why not for the Conservatives too? Now, there are many things I’d say about some Conservative bloggers… but blanketing them all in this way as untrustworthy does seem rather rum.

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