Pink Dog

Earthshock: Cybermen meet the Women’s Institute

I have been resting my weary feet this weekend and watching Peter Davison in Earthshock (that’s a Doctor Who story – but if you didn’t know that, you’re not really a proper Liberal Democrat are you?).

Pretty good. Only two complaints so far:

a. The big surprise at the end of episode one is the appearance of the CYBERMEN! However, between grabbing the DVD box from the shelf in my mouth and flicking the DVD player draw shut I had to wade past six pictures of Cybermen on the packaging, in the packing and all over the packaging. It really gives away the surprise…

b. Why do the main Cybermen walk around like they are pottering from stall to stall at a Women Institute’s Garden Fete? They are HORRIBLE, MEAN and NASTY and want to destroy the world (Cybermen, not the WI) so they should move with foreboding, presence and menace rather than fidget about like they are wondering which book to pick up from the second hand book table before moving over to the tombola. Bring back Brian Orrell, that’s what I bark.

0 responses to “Earthshock: Cybermen meet the Women’s Institute”

  1. I met a Cyberman the other week, at a friend’s house. He was one of the extras from the current series. Didn’t do the Women’s Institute walk at all. Walked more like that Tory Klingon, really…

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