
Wise online campaigning advice from a Labour expert

Good advice on how to make the most of hashtags on social media:

It may be a few years old now, but this advice has aged well.

I was reminded of this point when listening to the (at times very funny) audio book version of comedian turned Democrat Senator Al Franken’s Giant of the SenateIn  that he talks about how poor Democrats are at naming legislation compared with the Republicans. The latter’s approach often seems hugely overblown to me, but it’s not hard to see the political benefit of naming legislation in ways that communicate what it is about to a generally uninterested audience than giving it a technical, and hence obscure, title.

Almost the only good thing that can be said about the No Child Left Behind bill, for example, was its name.

(Another way of upping the impact of what you do on social media, by the way, is to use Buffer.)

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