Media & PR

Paul Clarke case: nice use of Twitter by Holly Thompson

I blogged this morning about a good use of Twitter by Derbyshire County Council and this afternoon I’ve come across a great use of Twitter in the media.

This time it’s Holly Thompson, the local newspaper reporter who has been covering the Paul Clarke controversy. At first glance the story appears a travesty of justice, though at second glance – as I’ve commented elsewhere – there are good grounds for wondering if there’s more to the story than meets the eye.

Full credit then to local journalist Holly Thompson for using Twitter to answer people’s queries about the case and her newspaper report on it. [Update: Twitter account now no more] Her answers have certainly left me feeling better informed about the case. Usually media outlets shun close questioning and leave doubts or queries hanging in the air. Good to see a different angle been taken this time.

As Paul Walter comments all this extra information so far though seems to raise more questions than it answers. Does the decision to prosecute look so bizarre and outrageous because it was or because we’re missing a key piece of information about why the decision was made?

2 responses to “Paul Clarke case: nice use of Twitter by Holly Thompson”

  1. Why don’t you go to the court in Reading this Friday (18th December) to find out some facts then.

    I know the young man. He was naive. He believed he had been building a relationship of trust with a senior police officer. He called said senior officer and arranged to meet him to hand over the shotgun.

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