
Hansard gems: an assurance that has aged tragically badly

It’s time to bring this series of entries from Hansard’s past to a pause as there are only so many speeches about paperclips and potato salad to be written.

So to finish off this run (I’m sure I’ll find some additions to drop in over future months and years), here’s a rather more sombre written question and answer from 1938. It was horribly and tragically overtaken by events:

Mr. Mander asked the Prime Minister whether, in the course of his interview at Munich with Herr Hitler, he received an assurance that Germany had no territorial claims in the territory of Memel?

The Prime Minister Herr Hitler informed me not at Munich but at Berchtesgaden that he was glad to leave the Memelland as it was so long as the Memel Statute was observed by the Lithuanian Government.

Find other gems from Hansard on my archive page for this series of posts.

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